What is WeCom? WeCom is a service initially conceived by the Tencent (WeChat) team as a corporate tool for internal communication. Over time, however, industry experts found out that this tool was ideal for interacting with the entire WeChat ecosystem and could enable companies to communicate with their employees, external partners, and consumers.

Background: why WeCom has become so important

Thanks to its widespread use, WeChat almost immediately became an everyday working tool in China. In the country of the Great Wall, most people today use their personal WeChat channel to exchange business messages, chat with team members, exchange documents, and make calls and video calls.

Born as a social (as we understand it) and messaging channel, WeChat replaced email and websites. Not so WeCom, on the other hand, which was created from the beginning for business purposes only.


What does WeCom allow?

WeCom is seamlessly integrated with WeChat Chat, Mini Programmes and WeChat Pay, enabling companies to provide high-quality services to external customers. Compared to WeChat, it offers companies many fascinating advantages.

  • It makes it possible to keep track of customer conversations in a corporate area, independent of individual profiles. The relationship is thus no longer the employee’s property and can be maintained even in the event of employee turnover.
  • Enables customer care-related conversations to be managed from a single point across several official accounts, mini programmes, APPs and websites
  • Enables real-time responses to customer or stakeholder requests
  • It Allows users’ data gathering and storage in a database. In this way, even if an employee does not respond in time and the user wants to interrupt the communication, they can communicate a way of contacting them for follow-up.
  • Allows companies to create new contact points such as Channel (video) accounts, Mini-Programs, WeChat webpages (H5), WeChat payment vouchers, APPs and sites outside WeChat.

You can provide support to prospects through single or group chats. It is also possible to directly invite prospects and customers to participate in group chats on WeChat.


Case Study: How Zara Home uses WeCom

Zara Home in China has integrated the WeCom customer care function directly into its official WeChat account, giving users easy visibility and access via a dedicated menu tab.

The user can access it directly by clicking on a dedicated tab to connect with the WeCom account of the customer service agent: once contact is established, the agent and customer can converse in a private, personalised chat space. The company can thus respond in real-time to all customer questions and needs with precision and speed, as well as enter potential customers into its CRM.