DAG Communication is a Public Relations agency in Italy who assists companies, associations and governments to build brand awareness in Italy. Our mission: enable our customers to dominate their specific market in Italy.
Our PR Agency in Italy offers Public Relations, Online PR and Social Media Marketing paired with high level event management.
DAG Communication, as a Public Relations Agency, can create new communication opportunities for companies, institutions and organizations within the Italian market. We can assist customers with the following:
- Corporate Communication: DAG has many years of experience within economic and financial medias in Italy and deep relations with journalists and bloggers of these sectors (newspapers, magazines, Internet, TV and radios)
- Product Communication: DAG is a Public Relations agency who strives to build strong relations on all forms of media. We have worked closely with many journalists, bloggers, TV and radio anchormen. As a result, we have been able to gain many connections within specific sectors including: fashion, food and wine, ICT and luxury
DAG Communication offers high level communication consultancy. Rather than simply “executing” a global strategy, we work cloesly with our customers in order to find the most suitable way to launch our clients organization and brand while giving new life to their global strategies.
With an extensive history in communication and great passion the DAG Communication team is confident in their ability to improve your global strategies both within Italy and worldwide.
DAG Communication is part of Leonardo, the first Italian communication network consisting of 5 agencies. With 70 consultants and 8 managers, we can offer support for all your needs: from website design to advertising creativity or planning, from in store promotion to organization of congress.
With DAG Communication’s headquarter located in the center of Milan, in proximity to 80% of Italian Media, our showroom allows you to easily present products to Italian journalists.
Italy is one of the richest markets in the world. With over 60 million inhabitants, Italy’s GDP is similar to that of the United Kingdom. Despite the recent global economic crisis, Italy still remains the 8th country in the world for GDP. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reach this big market!
- Elena Guzzella, CEO and Founder of DAG Communication
- Giorgio D’Amore, President and Founder of DAG Communication
- DAG Communication headquarter
- Giorgio D’amore, CEO of DAG Communication, and Diana Bracco, President of Expo 2015 SPA, at Assolombarda Convention
- Giorgio D’Amore, Founder of DAG Communication, past Vice President Assolmbarda