Often, when getting to know the manager of a company, a possible new customer, they ask us who we know that “matters” and if we will be able to bring their company to major newspapers or on TV.

Generally we always answer in the same way: there are many reasons to end up on the front page of the Corriere or mentioned in a TG but to be fair often times they are not pleasant situations.

The thing is that, in fact, is not where you get but how you get there: a sporadic exit, perhaps the result of a favor or communication with a surprise effect but lacking in depth, does not bring real advantages. Generally it is already positive if it does not cause damage (positioning, message, etc.)

What is essential is to build a “consistent” reputation that reflects the values ​​and activities that are really present and that leads a brand or a manager to be considered reliable and full of meaning and value for the public.

This is why the case history of Rubner and Deborah Zani is so precious for us to tell how a brand is built and valued.

For 3 years alongside the various companies of the group (Rubner Haus, Rubner Holzbau, holzius, Rubner Porte) and the corporate we have collaborated in the construction brick by brick (or perhaps we should say beam after beam, panel after panel) of the credibility and of the brand awareness of the Rubner brand.

In 2020 we felt that the time was ripe to do something more: the construction market was starting to show concrete signs of openness, the European Union through its highest representatives and the highest offices of the major states and major institutions , even in the hurricane of the pandemic, they had not stopped considering the issue of sustainability as a priority. Rubner had a lot to say about this and an advertisement or a seminar aimed at a group of enlightened architects was no longer enough.

A book on sustainability and profit

In 2020 we thus proposed the creation of a book on sustainability that, through the signature of the CEO of Rubner Haus, Deborah Zani, would allow the group to tell its own vision of the world.

In creating the book “Sustainability and profit. The binomial of success in the near future “the goal was not to celebrate the many incredible things created by Rubner in 90 years of history (palaces even with 16 floors in wood, large structures such as airports or warehouses, turnkey houses, villas built without nails and without glues), but to convey a new vision of construction.

“Sustainability in the company is no longer a choice,” said Deborah Zani, “but the factor that more than any other will affect competitiveness in the next thirty years. The shrewdest managers have understood that sustainability does not conflict with traditional profit targets, on the contrary it is a great opportunity. Soon the decision will no longer be a choice of field but of survival ”.

Why we made it to the front page

To create the book, we defined the model with the client (the creation of a set of interviews with characters who in different ways could comment on a specific angle of the theme), identified a level curator Maria Chiara Voci, a publisher such as Mondadori Electa who guaranteed quality and diffusion and an iconic designer for illustrations such as Nicolo Canova.

The key protagonist of the publishing project together with the company was the CEO of Rubner Haus Deborah Zani who was able with this book to convey all the passion for what she does and what she believes in and did not limit herself to questioning sustainability, but it has given life to a real path in the company that will act as a pilot for the whole group. “Sustainability is not democratic underlines Deborah Zani, CEO of Rubner Haus – it is a responsibility that first movers must take on: it is the market leader companies that must carry out social and environmental development policies starting from a reorganization internal and from the integration of new professional figures up to the support for the reorganization of the supply chain. For its part, the legislator should define precise rules but with large meshes that can then be interpreted and adapted to the various sectors, and serious sanctions for those who do greenwashing. ”

During the preparation of the book we started a series of collaborations with the major Italian media to focus attention on the topic, including a campaign on Life Gate and at the release of the book in September, the press launch was accompanied by the involvement of Deborah Zani in various talks such as the Green Tables in Perugia organized by Andrea Margaritelli (Margaritelli GroupListone Giordano, former DAG customer in the past for corporate communication) and the Green Talks organized by RCS.

And so seeing Deborah Zani on the front page of Corriere Economia honors us, makes us full of pride and confirms that if you have the courage to invest in a medium-term job, putting means, skills and passion, the results will come.

This is what we believe in and what we work for every day alongside our customers.

The Rubner group

Born in Chienes, in the province of Bolzano, from a water-powered sawmill, the Rubner Group is a reality with which it is difficult not to fall in love (and for DAG it was love at first sight): the products range from three-layer panels, laminated wood , windows, doors, up to large buildings or single and semi-detached houses strictly in wood and turnkey, a certainly compelling and current theme which, however, until a few years ago fought with a culture of concrete and brick heavily rooted in Italy.

The challenge of wooden constructions

Wood construction has many advantages: it is anti-seismic, decidedly greener, it has faster and cleaner construction sites, but above all it offers a completely different, extremely healthier quality of life. But simply in Italy until some time ago it was little considered and perched in false myths.

The goal that we set ourselves with Rubner, the family that in addition to being the owner of the company is also involved in the management, and the managers who today direct the various companies was to transform this perception by enhancing the benefits of living and working in a wooden construction. For the benefit of the well-being of people and the planet.