Over the past 20 years, the university union, Cineas, (who works with members from Politecnico di Milano, Università Bocconi, Associazione Nazionale Imprese Assicuratici-ANIA, and several of the largest insurance companies in Italy like Generali, Zurich, Allianz) has aimed to spread the culture of prevention and risk management 360 degrees. Cineas offers advanced training courses, organized conferences and moments of confrontation between operators of this sector. Even with a limited budget of communication, it is necessary for the union to have wide visibility in terms of communication.
Activities and Results
For 8 years, DAG Communication has been commended for all the communication activities of Cineas, working on:
Financial Risk Management
Hospital Risk Management
Enverimental Risk Management
We have accompanied Cineas through the creation of presentation materials, institutional courses, development of creative advertising campaigns targeted specifically towards a single course, and management of many events. The activity enhanced by concise media relations campaign. DAG Communication has designed, created, and taken care of the editorials of the website,, for the union dedicated to the community of Risk Management and Insurers.